Ingestion of foreign object is a common problem with children. These foreign bodies (FBs) can be in the respiratory tract of the aerodigestive tract. A 14-month-old male child presented to the emergency department of our hospital at 6.30 pm with irritability and continuous crying. On radiology, we found that the metallic body in the shape of a cycle was lodged in the upper esophagus. We decided to remove the FB endoscopically using an esophagoscope. We used meticulous and gentle manipulation around the edge of the metallic FB and did over a sufficient amount of time so as to dislodge the body from the impacted esophageal mucosa without causing any trauma or bleeding from the adjacent site. The child was placed under overnight observation in the hospital. The stay in the hospital was uneventful, and the child was discharged the next day. We would like to present this case due to unusual shape and nature of the FB and the difficulty encountered in clinical management of the patient.