Palavras-chave: Piperina; piplartina; oxidação biomimética; metaloporfirinas; espectrometria de massas. Piperine and piplartine are alkaloids isolated from species of Piper genus. The choice of these molecules for this study was based on the promising biological activities presented by these substances, especially for their antitumoral potential. Based on the research of alternative ways for studying the metabolism of new drugs, especially from natural products, the goal of this study was to investigate the oxidative profile of piperine and piplartine through different metalloporhyrins, which biomimic the metabolism of cytochrome P450. For doing this research, piperine and piplartine were exposed to oxidation in homogeneous media, using iodosilbenzene (PhIO) as oxygen donor and synthetic metalloporphyrins of first and second generations as catalysts for the reaction, that were [Fe(TPP)]Cl, [Mn(TPP)]Cl, [Fe(TFPP)]Cl and [Mn(TFPP)]Cl. The solvents used for the reaction media were 1, 2-dichloroetane and acetonitrile. The standards and reaction media containing the oxidation products were analysed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) with electron ionization (EI), and by mass spectrometry and mass spectrometry tandem with electrospray ionization (ESI-EM and ESI-EM/EM), in positive mode. Through the analysis of spectra obtained by GC-MS and ESI-MS, it was possible to observe the presence of the oxidation products, formed with all the metalloporphyrins tested, especially the fluoreted ones from the second generation. Despite having been detected small formation of oxidized product on piperine, this was practically insignificant. Piplartine shown to be a more reactive substrate in front of the catalysts tested. In piperine, it was possible to verify the presence of the hydroxylated product. In piplartine, the oxidized products observed were the demetoxilated, monohydroxilated and dihydroxilated, the last two being verified only through the technique of electrospray. The structures were proposed based on their fragment patterns presented on spectra of EI-MS (low resolution) an ESI-MS with high resolution in positive mode. The results of this work are promising to obtain oxidized derivatives of piperine and piplartine through synthetic metalloporphyrins.