Laser diodes are widely used in atomic physics in configurations of external cavity with a diffraction grating (Littrow or Littrow-Metcalf configuration), that allows us to tune its wavelength and filter their spectrum. Even with this control they present an excess noise about ∼ 40 dB above the standard quantum level,limiting their uses for quantum optics. Our goal in this project is to decrease the typical noise level of the diode laser, to reasonable values for future work with quantum optics. In order to do that we built a ring laser using a semiconductor chip as the gain medium. We characterize the output power of the laser as a function of the injection current. We also introduce a mechanism for controlling the losses so that, we were able to characterize the output power by changing the controlled losses. We reach a maximum power of ∼ 25 mW at 0.8 A, with the threshold current value ∼ 0.45 A, and a maximum power of ∼ 10 mW (@ 0.8 A) for ∼ 0.41 A of threshold current. In order to characterize its noise properties, we performed the ellipse rotation technique for different values of the injection current and controlled looses. Finally, we compare the quadrature noise of our new system with the noise of a diode laser in Littrow configuration. While Littrow laser present excess of of 40 dB on the phase noise, we found noise levels for the amplitude noise of our new laser between 10 to 15 dB and its phase noise between 11 to 27 dB above the standard quantum level. So, we achieved a noise reduction of the phase quadrature in 20 dB, but, we also increase the amplitude noise, obtaining a quadrature noise around 11 dB above the standard quantum limit. This level is compatible with solid state lasers (Nd:YAG) and can be easily reduced with the help of a filter cavity.