Introduction. The ecosystem in the information space reflects the interaction between different
participants and structures that influence a particular field or industry. The function of
the esports ecosystem in the modern world lies in providing opportunities for the
growth and popularization of this industry, supporting players and teams, organizing
tournaments and events, and interacting with other sectors such as technology, media,
and entertainment.
The aim of the study is to analyze the components of the esports ecosystem and determine their
impact on the development of esports.
Material and methods: analysis of specialized literature and internet data, expert surveys, and
methods of mathematical statistics were used. The survey involved 18 respondents
knowledgeable in esports. The expert assessment aimed to determine the opinions of
specialists regarding the components of the esports ecosystem and their significance.
The Delphi method was employed.
Results. It was found that the structure of the esports ecosystem is complex and multifaceted, with
an emphasis on the importance of players, tournament organizers, commercial
partners, as well as the role of player agencies and media platforms. The support of
esports is carried out through various commercial partnerships, including streaming and
television platforms, sponsors, investors, and other key market participants. These
entities play a crucial role in ensuring the stability and development of esports, shaping
its image, media presence, and audience appeal. Different approaches to managing
esports ecosystems have been identified, including direct control by game publishers
and the delegation of competition organization to third-party operators. Survey results
reflect the significance of esports at the international level and the key aspects of its
ecosystem. Players are a fundamental part of the esports ecosystem, confirmed by
88.9% of respondents, followed by teams and organizations at 83.3%, and sponsors and
partners at 66.7%.
Conclusions. The study highlights the importance of players and their interaction with other
elements of the esports ecosystem in ensuring its stable development and progress.