The relationship between bladder tumors and Schistosoma haematobium is well known, but only sporadic cases of bladder infection due to Schistosoma mansoni have been reported. In this case, a 48-year-old woman with macroscopic hematuria, dysuria and a palpable abdominal mass was investigated. Ultrasound showed a large exophytic mass in the bladder. Transurethral resection of the bladder revealed viable eggs of Schistosoma mansoni. The patient was treated clinically with oxamniquine and surgery was performed to resect the large mass. This case shows that schistosomiasis Mansoni in the bladder can simulate bladder cancer.Key-words: Schistosoma mansoni. Bladder cancer. Leiomyoma. Schistosomiasis. Oxamniquine.
RESUMOÉ bem conhecida a relação entre tumor vesical e Schistosoma haematobium, porém somente casos esporádicos de infecção vesical por Schistosoma mansoni foram relatados. Neste caso, uma mulher de 48 anos com hematúria macroscópica, disúria e massa abdominal palpável foi investigada, ultra-sonografia mostrou uma grande massa exofítica na bexiga. A ressecção transuretral de bexiga evidenciou ovos viáveis de Schistosoma mansoni. A paciente foi tratada clinicamente com oxaminiquine e uma cirurgia foi realizada para ressecar a grande massa. Este caso mostra que a esquistossomose mansônica vesical pode simular um câncer vesical.Palavras-chaves: Schistosoma mansoni. Câncer de bexiga. Leiomioma. Esquistossomose. Oxaminiquine.
Schistosoma mansoni infection is an endemic disease inBrazil and gastrointestinal affection is very common. However, there have only been anecdotal reports of bladder infection due to Schistosoma mansoni, in contrast with the known risk of developing bladder cancer in patients affected by Schistosoma haematobium.
CASE REPORTA 48-year-old female patient originating from an endemic area for schistosomiasis in Brazil (Bahia) was seen at our hospital because of abnormal menstrual bleeding, gross hematuria, urinary frequency and dysuria. Physical evaluation showed a palpable painful mass in the pelvic region. Ultrasound showed a large exophytic lesion filling almost the entire bladder (Figure 1).Cystoscopy revealed a large regular rounded mass of diameter 8 cm without any visible stalk. Transurethral biopsy showed chronic cystitis and viable eggs of Schistosoma mansoni. Colonoscopy showed ulcers in the rectum-sigmoid.The patient was treated clinically with oxamniquine. Her renal function deteriorated and ultrasound showed bilateral dilatation of the ureter. A double-J catheter was then placed in both ureters. The patient continued to present impaired renal function and
FigURE 1Ultrasound on the bladder showing a bladder mass.