Blue zwitterionic 2,6-Di(fert-butyl)-4-(2,4,6-triphenyl-l-pyridinio)phenolate l a can be reduced to its bluegreen radical anion 1using alkaline metals, and oxidized to its colorless radical cation 1 t by Ag(OOCCF,) or electrochemically. ESR/ENDOR spectra of their aprotic THF solutions indicate predominant spin population either in the pyridinium (la-) or in the phenolate ring (la'). Reduction with other alkaline metals Li, Na, or Cs yields no changes in the ESR/ENDOR signal patterns, i.e. provides no indication of radical ion pair formation.The cyclovoltammetrically determined first reduction and oxidation potentials at -1. I 1 V and + 0.26 V, respectively, are both reversible and, in principle, allow to construct a molecular battery.
Einleitung. -4-( 1-Pyridinio)phenolat-Betaine 1 sind als farbige Zwitterionen umfangreich untersucht worden [3]. Die bekannte Struktur des [4-(4-Bromophenyl)-2,6-diphenyll-pyridinio)-2,6-diphenyl-phenolates (lc) weist als Besonderheiten einen vermutlich sterisch bedingten Diederwinkel o = 65" zwischen Phenolat-und Pyridinium-Ring sowie einen (C-0)-Abstand dco = 129,l & 0,8 pm aus [4], welcher wie im Fluorenon-Radikalanion (dco = 128,2 pm [5]) zwischen den Werten fur die (C=O)-Bindung im neutralen Fluorenon (dco = 122,O pm [6]) und dem vergleichbaren Benzophenon-Dianion (dco = 140,6 pm [7]) liegt. l a R = t-Bu, X = H b R=Ph,X=H c R=Ph,X=Br