In our study, it was observed that the EPR signals of table sugar irradiated with gamma rays at 3 kGy, 5 kGy, 10 kGy increased in proportion to the increasing dose. The fading in the signals was investigated by taking into account the peak-to-peak heights (Ipp) in the EPR spectra of table sugar. The stability of radicals was monitored by performing EPR measurements on sugar samples irradiated with high doses of gamma rays (Co-60) on 29.06.2020, 23.03.2021, 28.06.2021, 05.08.2021. Suitability evaluation was made with Z score, which is a statistical test to determine fading. It was observed that there was almost no loss in the EPR signals of sugar for 14 months.
Also table sugar; Similarities have been shown by comparing the EPR spectra of the fruits used in the TS EN 13708 Foodstuffs - Standard for determining whether foodstuffs containing crystal sugars are irradiated by ESR spectroscopy. Thanks to these similarities, it has been suggested that fruits can also be used as dosimeters, depending on the sugar they contain.