ESR ofMo3+ ions in mixed single crystals of yttrium-scandium-aluminium garnets Y3A12-zSc, a -A130,,, where 0 5 x 5 2 is investigated. Several new centers of Mo3f differing from those for Y&OIZ single crystals are observed due to changes of symmetry and crystal field parameters associated with isomorphous substitution of octahedrally coordinated AP+ (a) by those of Sc3+ in the third coordination sphere. Symmetry, nearest coordination, and spin-Hamiltonian parameters are estimated concerning with all Mo3+ centers in Y,Al~-,Sc,Al,O,, crystals for x < 0.15. It is found that in Y,Sc,AI,O,, (x = 2) the Scs+ ions substitute also YS+ a t dodecahedra1 sites. klCCJIea;OBaH 3nP EIOHOB M03+ B MOHOKpYICTaJIJIaX CMeIIIaHHbIX EITTpHn-CKaHflEIfi-aJIH)MHtMeBbIX QaHaTOB YsAla-&&130,,, ra;e 0 5 x 5 2. O 6~a p y r n e~ pfIA HOBbIX, IIO CpaBHeHMH) C Y,AI,O,, , IIapaMWHElTHbIX UeHTpOB MOS' 06ycno~ne~~b1x EI3MeHeHYI-OHTa3RPH4eCKH KOOP~HHEpOBaHHbIX EIOHOB Ala+ (a) Ha SC3+ B TpeTbeP KOOpflEIHaUEIOHHO& CnHH raMHJIbTOHElaHOB BCeX UeHTpOB MOS+ B KpHCTaJIJI2lX Y & -z S C ,~~O ,~ IIpH IIMH cmmeTpm EI napaMeTpoB KpucTannHsecHoro n o m n p~ EIBOMOP$IHOM ~M~I U~H H E I caepe. YcraHosneHhi CHMMIT~NH, 6nm~afimee oxpymeme II onpea;eneHM naparae.rpar z < 0,15. no~asaH0, ¶TO B cnysae Y3Sc,Al,0,, HOHH ScS+ 3a~eLJmI0T TaKme EIOHbX Ys+ B a ; o a ; e~a 3~~s e c m x nonornemmx.