Systanatic variations appear in the othphysical and photochnical properties of t4LC excited states whicth n be accounted for qualitatively or even quantitatively based on the properties of the nxlecules and of the surrounding rreditin.In 1959, Paris and Brandt first reported anission fran the cxinplex (RuUpy) (bpy is 2,2'-bipyridine) in solution (ref. 1). The excited state involved is sufficienty long-lived (-8OO ns in water at roan tanperature) that the possibility existed for using it as a thernical reagent and based on quanching studies using ccmplexes of Co(III), 1dainson and cazorkers suggested that the excited state could act as a reducing agent (ref. 2). Their suggestion was soon verified by additional quanching and flash çkiothlysis studies (ref.3,4). It was also shawn that the excited state could act as an oxidizing agent (ref. 5), that its redox potentials could be estimated experisontally by a kinetic qunnching techniqun (ref. 6,7), and that it could undergo facile, bisolecular electron transfer with a varie of oxidants or reductants (ref. 8-10). For example, oxidative qcnching by paraquat (PQ ), Scheme 1 Ru(Lpy)32 _Y) Ru(bpy)32 (1) 2+* 2+ kq 3+ + Ru(bpy) + PQ -p Ru(bpy). + PQ (2) k 2 2 -*Ru(bpy)3+PQ (3) provides a basis for the conversion of visible light energy into a transiently stored redox pair. Similar electron transfer schanes had been established previously for organic excited states (ref. II), bit the high c±ianical stability of the Ru ccznplex in sore than one oxidation state and its high light absorptivity in the visible made it an attractive candidate for exploiting the energy conversion possibilities associated with E. 1-3. The successful utilization of RU(bpy) 2+ and related cxiiplexes in energy conversion schanes relies on establishing a basis for un&rstanding the light absorptivity and otophysical and *iotochanical properties of the cthrcrtophores involved (ref. 9a ,l2). The goal of this account is to describe those properties and to provide a basis for understanding than at the microscopic level. ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE. LIGHT ABSORPTIVITY (Ru(1:py) ]2+ and (Os(phen) ]2+ (phan is l,l0-enantroline) tare with oanplexes like (Mo(bçy)CO) 1, (Re(phen)(o)3Cl], and (Ir(bpy) Cl)] the ground state electronic configuratio (dii)6 (t in O syninetry) and vaant, 1CM lying ir*(bpy or men) orbitals on the polypyridyl ligand.of apircpriate syrrmetry to mix with the dir orbitals. Visible light absorption in these carlexes is usually cinated by intense absorption bands arising f ran drr .-ir* metal to ligand charge transfer (MLCT) transitions, e.g., b(kpy)(CO) + hvr4o'(&y (CD) . For the lox oxidation state oarlexes of tb(O) and Re(I) the crbonyl groups are secessai4 to mix with and stabilize the dir levels thus decreasing sensitivity taGards oxidation and bringing the dir_ir* (kçq or p&en) energy gap into the visible region of the spectrun. In the higher oxidation state axilexes of Rh(III) or Ir(III) the dir levels are so stabilized by the higher effective nuclear charge at the metal that the MLCT transitio...