Analysis ofpiano perfonnance data via the personal computer is based on the premise that conscious sense of touch control facilitates effective skill develop ment and that the personal computer can provide a more objective measure ofpitch, tempo, and dynamics than sensory perception alone. A method of collecting and analyzing piano perfonnance data using the personal computer was devised in an effort to observe skilled piano perfonnance. Four sets of two-note leaps were played by the left hand each with four modes of feedback on a Yamaha DX 7. The electronic keyboard was interfaced with an liM compatible computer through a custom designed MIDI box to encode the key velocity and temporal infonnation of the music event. MIDI data were analyzed to study and compare details of the perfonnances of the different leaps. It is projected that this type of analysis can be used to further develop conscious touch sense and sharpen the pianist'S ability to perceive the differences.