Almost everyone who is going to read this is someone who made this possible. As I have learned throughout life, there is very little I can do on my own. Even when things appear to be authored by one, many hearts and minds were involved. I want to thank my professors, my colleagues, and my supporters. Because of your help, this project is complete. To my professors, together you have shown me the way. You have taken me by the hand and led me down the path. You have opened doors and honed my skills. To you, I thank you. Dr. Bill Therrien, thank you for believing in my potential. Thank you for providing me with opportunities to learn and to lead, and please know that I have profited from your constructive feedback along the way. Dr. John Hosp, I appreciate your passion and commitment to excellence. Your leadership drives students to approach research in new and interesting ways, and thank you for taking time to explain complex concepts providing deeper understanding. Dr. Suzanne Woods-Groves, you involved me in your work early on. Because I watched and learned from you, I felt confident conducting this research project, and for that I am grateful. Dr. Jo Hendrickson, thank you for your support and for allowing me the opportunity to work with the greatest students around. Dr. Tim Ansley, thank you for your dedication to your field. You communicate your statistical expertise in a way that is interesting and applicable. Your help was essential. Dr. Sheila Barron, your assistance in running the analyses and interpreting the statistical outputs was indispensable. Also, I would like to thank Dr. Youjia Hua and Dr. Allison Bruhn for their insight into single-subject research and for including me in meaningful research opportunities. v To my colleagues, thank you for your friendship and collaboration over the years. To my colleagues who have graduated, thank you for leading the way. Last, thank you to my family for encouraging me to pursue my passion. You believed that this was something that I could do; therefore, I believed it too. Thank you for your support and for your help. Without you, this would not have been possible.