Abstract. Let p be a prime integer, 1 ≤ s ≤ r integers and F a field of characteristic different from p. We find upper and lower bounds for the essential p-dimension ed p (Alg p r ,p s ) of the class Alg p r ,p s of central simple algebras of degree p r and exponent dividing p s . In particular, we show that ed 2 (Alg 8,2 ) = 8 and ed p (Alg p 2 ,p ) = p 2 + p for p odd.
IntroductionLet F : Fields/F → Sets be a functor from the category Fields/F of field extensions over F to the category Sets of sets. Let E ∈ Fields/F and K ⊂ E a subfield over F . An element α ∈ F (E) is said to be defined over K (and K is called a field of definition of α) if there exists an element β ∈ F (K) such that α is the image of β under the mapwhere the supremum is taken over all fields E ∈ Fields/F and all α ∈ F (E) (see [3, Def. 1.2] or [8, Sec.1]). Informally, the essential dimension of F is the smallest number of algebraically independent parameters required to define F and may be thought of as a measure of complexity of F . Let p be a prime integer. The essential p-dimension of α, denoted ed F p (α), is defined as the minimum of ed F (α E ′ ), where E ′ ranges over all field extensions of E of degree prime to p. The essential p-dimension of F is ed p (F ) = sup{ed F p (α)}, where the supremum ranges over all fields E ∈ Fields/F and all α ∈ F (E). By definition, ed(F ) ≥ ed p (F ) for all p.For every integer n ≥ 1, a divisor m of n and any field extension E/F , let Alg n,m (E) denote the set of isomorphism classes of central simple E-algebras of degree n and exponent dividing m. Equivalently, Alg n,m (E) is the subset of the m-torsion part Br m (E) of the Brauer group of E consisting of all elements a such that ind(a) divides n. In particular, if n = m, then Alg n (E) := Alg n,n (E)