Trypanosomatids are early-diverged, protistan parasites of which Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi, and several species of Leishmania cause severe, often lethal diseases in humans. To better combat these parasites, their molecular biology has been a research focus for more than 3 decades, and the discovery of spliced leader (SL) trans splicing in T. brucei established a key difference between parasites and hosts. In SL trans splicing, the capped 5-terminal region of the small nuclear SL RNA is fused onto the 5 end of each mRNA. This process, in conjunction with polyadenylation, generates individual mRNAs from polycistronic precursors and creates functional mRNA by providing the cap structure. The reaction is a two-step transesterification process analogous to intron removal by cis splicing which, in trypanosomatids, is confined to very few pre-mRNAs. Both types of pre-mRNA splicing are carried out by the spliceosome, consisting of five U-rich small nuclear RNAs (U snRNAs) and, in humans, up to ϳ170 different proteins. While trypanosomatids possess a full set of spliceosomal U snRNAs, only a few splicing factors were identified by standard genome annotation because trypanosomatid amino acid sequences are among the most divergent in the eukaryotic kingdom. This review focuses on recent progress made in the characterization of the splicing factor repertoire in T. brucei, achieved by tandem affinity purification of splicing complexes, by systematic analysis of proteins containing RNA recognition motifs, and by mining the genome database. In addition, recent findings about functional differences between trypanosome and human pre-mRNA splicing factors are discussed.Trypanosomatids are protistan parasites infecting hosts as diverse as mammals, insects, and plants. In humans, vectorborne Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi, and Leishmania spp. cause lethal diseases, and the strong impact of these parasites on global health has spurred investigations of the molecular processes in these organisms from early on. One of the first key discoveries in regard to gene expression was spliced leader (SL) trans splicing, which was eventually found to be an essential maturation step for all nuclear pre-mRNA in trypanosomatids.The initial discoveries of SL trans splicing were made in T. brucei, and until now, this organism has remained the preferred trypanosomatid organism for spliceosomal studies. T. brucei is an extracellular parasite which evades the mammalian immune system by antigenic variation of its variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) coat. VSG expression has therefore been a research focus, and it was on VSG mRNAs that the 5Ј-terminal region was first discovered to contain a leader sequence which was not encoded in the VSG gene (10, 87). Further analysis showed that the 39-nucleotide (nt)-long leader was derived from the 5Ј terminus of a separate, small nuclear RNA, which has been termed SL RNA or miniexon-derived RNA (12,34,56). The discovery of a Y structure intermediate which corresponds to the cis splicing intron-exo...