In this paper we study the optimal portfolio selection problem for assets. A doubleobjective programming model is Wrst formulated for selecting optimal portfolios of asserts with transaction costs and taxes, where short sales and borrowings are not allowed. Some properties of eYcient portfolios and the eYcient frontier to the model are then derived. Based on these results, an interactive method that requires only paired preference comparison from the investor is established for solving the optimal portfolio selection problem. A numerical example is also presented to illustrate this method.Nomenclature d i dividend yield on risk asset i, equal to the monetary dividend divided by the current price k i (per unit change) transaction cost of the ith risky asset, k i 5 0, iˆ1; . . . ; n r i equal to E‰r r i Š, the expected value ofr r i …iˆ1; . . . ; n † r n ‡1 holding period rate of return on the riskless asset r r i holding period rate of return on risky asset i …iˆ1; . . . ; n †, equal to the ratio of the value of the asset at the end of the period to its current value t g marginal capital gains tax rate for the investor t 0 marginal ordinary income tax rate for the investor x i proportion of wealth that the investor will invest in the ith risky asset …iˆ1; . . . ; n † or the riskless asset …iˆn ‡ 1 †x 0 i proportion of wealth that the investor already holds in the ith risky asset …iˆ1; . . . ; n † or the riskless asset …iˆn ‡ 1 † ¼ ij equal to cov…r r i ;r r j †, the covariance betweenr r i and r r j , i; jˆ1; . . . ; n (note that the variance± covariance matrix …¼ ij † n£n is positive semide® nite).