Three leaf water models (two-pool model, Péclet effect, and string-of-lakes) were assessed for their robustness in predicting leaf water enrichment and its spatial heterogeneity. This was achieved by studying the 18 O spatial patterns of vein xylem water, leaf water, and dry matter in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) leaves grown at different humidities using new experimental approaches. Vein xylem water was collected from intact transpiring cotton leaves by pressurizing the roots in a pressure chamber, whereas the isotopic content of leaf water was determined without extracting it from fresh leaves with the aid of a purpose-designed leaf punch. Our results indicate that veins have a significant degree of lateral exchange with highly enriched leaf water. Vein xylem water is thus slightly, but progressively enriched in the direction of water flow. Leaf water enrichment is dependent on the relative distances from major veins, with water from the marginal and intercostal regions more enriched and that next to veins and near the leaf base more depleted than the Craig-Gordon modeled enrichment of water at the sites of evaporation. The spatial pattern of leaf water enrichment varies with humidity, as expected from the string-of-lakes model. This pattern is also reflected in leaf dry matter. All three models are realistic, but none could fully account for all of the facets of leaf water enrichment. Our findings acknowledge the presence of capacitance in the ground tissues of vein ribs and highlight the essential need to incorporate Péclet effects into the string-of-lakes model when applying it to leaves.The isotopic composition of leaf water reflects local humidity, and its imprints on plant cellulose and other fossil materials have been widely explored for palaeoclimatic reconstruction. To date, isotopic values of wood cellulose (Epstein et al., 1977;Yapp and Epstein, 1982;Edwards et al., 1985;Edwards and Fritz, 1986;Roden et al., 2000), grassland phytoliths (Webb and Longstaffe, 2000), and deer bone (Cormie et al., 1994) have been shown to be related to leaf water isotopic composition. Leaf water isotopic signature is not only imprinted on plant organic matter but is also recorded in atmospheric CO 2 and O 2 . The CO 2 interacts and undergoes isotopic exchange with leaf water, and O 2 is released by the plant during photosynthesis. Changes in the oxygen isotope ratios of CO 2 and O 2 can thus be used to study variations in the net exchange of CO 2 in terrestrial ecosystems and in the balance of terrestrial and marine productivity (Bender et al., 1985;Bender et al., 1994). Because all of these applications critically depend on estimation of the leaf water oxygen isotopic ratio, a good understanding of the nature of leaf water enrichment is needed.The isotopic composition of leaf water is most commonly estimated from the model of a freely evaporating water surface (Craig and Gordon, 1965) where isotopic fractionation is driven by the lower vapor pressure and diffusivity of the heavier molecules. Although the Craig-Gordon m...