Healthcare quality improvements are one of the most important goals to reach
a better and safer healthcare system. Reviewing in-hospital mortality data is useful to identify areas for
improvement, and to monitor the impact of actions taken to avoid preventable cases, such as those related
to healthcare associated infections (HAI).
In this paper, we present the experience of the Mortality Committee of Bambino Gesù Children
Hospital (OPBG). OPBG has instituted a process of systematic revision of all in-hospital deaths
conducted by a multidisciplinary team. The goal is to identify system-wide issues that could be improved
to reduce in-hospital preventable deaths. In this way, the mortality review goes alongside all
the other risk management activities for the continuous quality improvement and patient safety.
In years 2008-2017, we performed a systematic analysis of 1148 inpatient deaths. In this time
period, the overall mortality rate was 0.4%. Forty-seven deaths were caused due to infections, 10 of
which involved patients with HAI transferred to OPBG from other facilities or patients with community-
acquired infections. Six deaths related to HAI were followed by claims compensations. All these
cases were not followed by compensation because the onset of HAI was considered an inevitable consequence
of the underlying disease.
Introduction of the mortality review committee has proved to be a valid instrument to improve
the quality of the care provided in a hospital, allowing early identification of care gaps that could
lead to an increase in mortality rates.
Article Highlights Box:
Reduction of preventable deaths is one of the most important goals to be
achieved for any health-care system and to improve the quality of care.
• Several studies have shown that analysis of morbidity and mortality rate helps to detect any factors
that can lead to an increase in in-hospital mortality rates.
• The review of in-hospital deaths allows to learn how to improve the quality and safety of care
through identification of critical issues that lead to an increase in mortality ratio.
• In some medical areas, such as intensive care units or surgery, the implementation of the conference
on mortality and morbidity is more useful for assessing procedures at high risk of errors.
• The implementation of existing databases with data deriving from the systematic review of medical
records and in-hospital deaths appears to be desirable.
• Mortality Review Committees can represent a very useful tool for all the health facilities for the reduction
of preventable deaths, such as those related to HAI.