This paper presents a novel quality model, which provides a quantitative assessment of the attributes evaluated at each stage of development of scienti¯c applications. This model is de¯ned by selecting a set of attributes and metrics that a®ect the quality of applications. It is based on the established quality standards. The practical application and veri¯cation of the quality model is con¯rmed by two case studies. The¯rst is an application for solving onedimensional and two-dimensional Schr€ odinger equations, using the discrete variables representation method. The second is an application for calculating an ECG-derived heart rate and respiratory rate. The¯rst application follows a development model for scienti¯c applications, which includes some software engineering practices. The second application does not use a speci¯c development model, rather, it is developed ad hoc. The quality of the applications is evaluated through comparative analyses using the proposed model. Based on software quality metrics, the results of this study indicate that the application for solving one-dimensional and two-dimensional Schr€ odinger equations produces more desirable results.