The aim of the study was to develop a formative evaluation instr um ent to enable GP trainers to analyse their teaching in one-to-one tutorials. D ata, in the form of statem ents of good and bad characteristics of teaching sessions, were collected from 59 trainers and 19 G P registrars in the form er Northern reg ion using a combination of the nom inal g roup technique and focus g roup m ethodology. The statem ents were categorised and consolidated to produce an evaluation instrument using g rounded theor y techniques. A draft instrument was piloted and consequently m odi® ed. The instr um ent consists of 24 bipolar statem ents separated by a four-point scale with accom panying guidance notes. It is intended for use by trainer and G P registrar after a teaching session or for video analysis. The instr um ent offers a m eans of analysis of one-to-one teaching sessions with its primar y purpose being for for mative evaluation, enabling trainers to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their teaching.