Kebutuhan masyarakat muslim akan produk halal semakin meningkat seiring meningkatnya jumlah populasi muslim. Saat ini konsumen produk halal tidak hanya kaum muslim tetapi masyarakat non muslim juga ikut mengkonsumsi produk halal tersebut. Produk yang sudah disertifikasi halal proses produksinya, dapat saja menjadi tidak halal karena salah penanganan saat penyimpanan, distribusi maupun penanganan di ritel. Rumah Potong Hewan sebagai penyedia produk daging sapi dituntut untuk menjaga kehalalan produknya karena akan dibeli oleh konsumen muslim. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada beberapa Rumah Potong Hewan di Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Pada penelitian ini diidentifikasi seluruh aktivitas di Rumah Potong Hewan, pemetaan aktivitas, penentuan risk event dan risk agent pada rantai pasok Rumah Potong Hewan dengan adopsi model SCOR yaitu plan, source, make, deliver, dan return. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 19 aktivitas (sub process), risk event sebanyak 28 kegiatan dan 28 buah risk agent. Dengan mengetahui risiko dan penyebab risiko akan memudahkan dalam penanganan rantai pasok daging sapi.
The Muslim community's need for halal products is increasing with the increasing number of Muslim populations. Currently consumers of halal products are not only Muslims but non-Muslim communities also consume these halal products. Products that have been certified halal in the production process, may become unlawful due to mishandling during storage, distribution and handling in retail. Abattoirs as providers of beef products are required to maintain the halal status of their products because they will be purchased by Muslim consumers. This research was conducted at several Slaughterhouses in North Sumatra Province. In this study, all activities in the Slaughterhouse were identified, activity mapping, determination of risk events and risk agents in the slaughterhouse supply chain by adopting the SCOR model, namely plan, source, make, deliver, and return. The results showed that there were 19 activities (sub process), 28 risk events and 28 risk agents. Knowing the risks and causes of the risks will facilitate the handling of beef supply chains.