The goal of the chapter is to outline the process of testing molecules for potential developmental and reproductive toxicity (DART). Here, the entire process of DART testing is discussed, from the regulatory use of DART data to the conduct and interpretation of the various DART study designs. Although nonanimal DART testing strategies are envisioned by the new science of "21st Century Toxicity Testing", these high-content, high-throughput testing paradigms are not sufficiently mature from a scientific perspective to be acceptable on their own by regulatory agencies for chemical registration. Thus, these testing paradigms are not included in this chapter. While the scope of the chapter is broad, it is beyond the range of this chapter to describe all possible scenarios encountered in DART testing. For additional information, the reader is referred to other recent publications on this topic. The chapter is organized in a stepwise manner into three main topics: (1) Use of DART studies for chemical registration; (2) General considerations for all DART study designs; and (3) Descriptions of all DART study designs from a practical perspective, beginning with an initial range-finding study and ending with the complex Extended One-Generation Reproductive Toxicity Study (EOGRTS).