Oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) is one of the major causes of fatality in India owing to very high percentages of patients with smoking and chewing habits. Being highly heterogeneous in nature, every patient poses a different challenge clinically. To better understand disease progression, knowledge of cross talk between tumor stroma and the tumor cells becomes indispensable. Patient-derived in vitro cell line models are helpful to understand the complexity of diseases. However, they have very low efficiency of establishment from the tumor samples, especially the cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs). In the present study, two novel autologous pairs have been immortalized spontaneously from non-habitual, HPV-positive patients, presented with tongue squamous cell carcinoma. The epithelial and fibroblast primary lines had typical polygonal and spindle shaped morphology, respectively. Positive staining with Pan-cytokeratin (PanCK) and Fibroblast Specific Protein (FSP-1) further confirmed their epithelial and fibroblast origin. Unique Short Tandem Repeat (STR) profile of the cultures confirmed their novelty, while the similarity of the STR profiles between the epithelial and fibroblast cells from the same patient, confirmed their autologous nature. DNA analysis revealed aneuploidy of the established cultures. Increase in the tumorigenic potential of the established epithelial cultures upon treatment with CAF-conditioned medium proved the CAF-ness of the established fibroblast cells. The established cultures are the first of their kind which would serve as an useful platform in understanding the cross talk between tumor-stroma and tumor, along with studying tongue cancer progression.