“…Steroid‐intolerant or transfusion‐dependent patients may be considered for haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), which is the only definitive treatment for the haematological manifestations of DBA. The first HSCT for DBA was reported in 1976 confirming DBA as a transplantable disease (August et al , ). After this initial case, several authors reported successful transplantations in DBA patients (Iriondo et al , ; Wiktor‐Jedrzejczak et al , ; Lenarsky et al , ; Gluckman et al , , ; Zintl et al , ; Mori et al , ; Greinix et al , ; Saunders et al , ; Lee et al , ; Mugishima et al , ; Wagner et al , ; Bonno et al , ; Ladenstein et al , ; Morimoto et al , ; Vettenranta & Saarinen, ; Willig et al , ).…”