“…However, little is known about the frequencies and specificities of HLA class I antibodies developed among cross‐match‐incompatible patients. Here, we described the specificities of HLA class I antibodies among cross‐match‐incompatible cases, and the most common anti‐HLA I antibodies are as follows: anti‐HLA‐A23 (59.38%), ‐A24 (50.00%), ‐A02 (43.75%), anti‐HLA‐B27 (65.63%), ‐B40(50.00%), ‐B18 (46.88%), ‐B07 (43.75%) and anti‐HLA‐C07 (25.00%), which is consistent with our previous study that described the most common HLA‐A and HLA‐B alleles in our donor registry (Xia et al ., ).…”