Mr. Editor, We have recently read the article by Guzmán-Olea et al., 1 where they comprehensively evaluated older adults (OAs) who suffered from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); however, we have realized that, within said evaluation, a basic component in the approach to the older patient has not been included, which is cognitive impairment. Frailty in OAs increases the risk of infections while decreasing the immune response, which puts this specific population at higher risk. Dantas-Araújo et al. 2 reported that, among the risk conditions for severe COVID-19 in OAs, cognitive impairment is the most common, given that it is present in 57.5%, which has an impact on their quality of life. In turn, Bayrak et al. 3 observed that cognitive impairment and depression increase the risk of dying from COVID-19 by 15 times in OAs. Unfortunately, the pandemic continues to spread, affecting more people every day; therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to comprehensive evaluation of OAs in order to prevent serious complications, and even death.