“…Companies with a strong research capacity, which had by then succumbed to the crisis, have not been able to join the, we insist, incomplete list of 1990. To this category belongs the unique Telesincro, which has been the sole protagonist of a successful experience in the design and production of computer hardware in Spain [35], together with the Catalan manufacturer of consumer electronics Compañía Electrónica de Comunicaciones, the result of the merger in 1970 between Emerson Electrónica Española and Kolster Ibérica. In the telecommunications equipment supply industry in Spain, small business centres predominated and, strictly speaking, only five (Standard Eléctrica, later converted into Alcatel-SESA, CESELSA, Compañía Internacional de Telecomunicación Electrónica S.A. -CITESA-, Industrias de Telecomunicación, a subsidiary of Ericsson -INTELSA-and, especially, TIyD) escaped from the tiny [36].…”