INTRODUCCIÓNEn las últimas dos décadas se ha producido un cambio en el perfil epidemiológico-nutricional en Chile caracterizado por una disminución en la prevalencia de malnutrición por déficit y el aumento progresivo de la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad. Prueba de esto es que el porcentaje de niños que asisten a primer año básico que son obesos aumentó de 5,5% a 19,4% entre los años 1987 y 2006, respectivamente (1,2).La obesidad se define como un desbalance entre la ingesta y el gasto energético, siendo mayor la energía consumida que la gastada por el organismo. En su etiología actúan factores genéticos y ambientales, jugando un rol esencial la alimentación y la actividad física (3-5).La información respecto a los hábitos alimenta-
The information available on food consumption in different population groups is very limited in Chile. Objective:To assess the diet of schoolchildren who on a regular basis perform physical activity. Method: We evaluated 105 schoolchildren aged 11-14 years who regularly attend two sport clubs and who, on the average, perform 8 hours of programmed activity per week. Anthropometric evaluation included height, weight, tricipital and subscapular skinfold thickness and diet was evaluated by means of a 24-hour dietary recall. Socioeconomic level was determined by the ESOMAR method. Results: As expected, height and weight increased progressively with age. Percentage of body fat increased between 11 and 13 years old and significantly decreased by age 14 years. Nutritional status was normal in 86% of the children and only 14% were overweight. There were no obese children in the group. Macronutrient and energy intake were adequate for the age except for the low consumption of potassium and calcium. Conclusion: Children who perform exercise regularly show a low prevalence of overweight and no obesity although their diet was similar to other schoolchildren who show an elevated prevalence of overweight and obesity, most probably due to their regular physical activity.