A minha mãe Astrid e ao meu pai do coração Roberto, por terem feito tudo que foi possível para me acolher quando estive em São Paulo com carinho, paciência e dedicação. Agradeço pelas caronas, cafés da manhã e outras regalias proporcionadas dando um suporte fundamental para essa conquista.Aos meus queridos sogros Célia e Sérgio, e a super cunhada Luciana por me darem segurança, apoio constante e incentivo nas minhas atividades acadêmicas. In the last decades, the elevated number of victims of traffic accidents, urban violence, sports-related trauma, occupational injuries, and professional-related errors increased the concern with the expert aspect, whether in the criminal or civil context, because of the sequelae associated with these injuries and trauma, also to the maxillofacial region. In this sense, this study aimed to translate into Brazilian Portuguese and culturally adapt for use in Brazil the Spanish instrument called
Analysis of Aesthetic Damage Impression and Impact (AIPE) proposed by CoboPlana (2010), and to validate the instrument among dentists working in forensic dentistry. After translation and cultural adaptation, fake scars (moulage) were placed on the maxillofacial region of two models, a male and a female. Dentists specializing in forensic dentistry were selected to make the assessments. These students used the instrument, which consists of four tables, on a sequence of ten randomized images, showing models with and without facial scars. The intraclass correlation coefficient measured observer reliability to verify instrument validity. In general the method was satisfactory for one scar and excellent for two scars of the three repeated scars. Regarding intertester error, descriptive analysis of the results showed a variation coefficient of the scores of 40.12% when all the coefficients were considered, demonstrating that the scores were relatively homogeneous. The four tables translated into Brazilian Portuguese and culturally adapted for Brazil have the potential to increase the objectivity of aesthetic damage assessment.