Organizational results are achieved through teamwork, which requires effective leadership to carry out negotiations and materialize business goals, decision-makers generally knew the internal and external factors that affected their operations until the COVID-19 pandemic break out, which made them to reformulate strategies to survive in the business market and redefine medium and long-term objectives, in this sense, the leader also needs to reevaluate his actions considering the best outcome for the company and its staff, accrediting his plans with positive actions and results, therefore, the main objective of this research is to identify the presence of the leadership style defined as Directed, which is based on a shared vision with the collaborators about the future. The results of this descriptive study with a non-experimental transversal design, denote the presence of the Directed Leadership dimensions in the MSMEs that were analyzed, however, the resulting statistical reference values indicate that the actions that serve as examples for collaborators should be reinforced, as well as a revaluation of the way in which their processes for innovation are developed.