This study analyzed the CO2 capture potential for Parque Natural Regional Serrania de las Quinchas buffer area in Colombia. For this purpose, multitemporal analysis for land covering for years 1989, 2000, 2006, 2011, 2017 and 2021 was made using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and Corine Land Cover (CLC) methodology. In the same way, Aboveground Biomass (AGB) was measured for representative parcels by measuring tree’s diameters and heights and applying the adequate allometric models; carbon content in soils was measured too. Results show that dense forest has grown since 1989 and the carbon stock in all the vegetation covers increased by 14,3% from 1989 until 2021, using literature data for tropical humid forests. If measured AGB values obtained in this study are used, the carbon stock average is 3 times this value. Measured carbon average content in AGB was 374,3 Ton C/Ha, well above the average for the content reported for humid tropical forests in Colombia; carbon content in soils was 897,19 Ton/Ha, 2,4 times that found in the AGB. In total, an average of 1271,49 Ton C/Ha (AGB+ soil) was found and a pattern of dense forest recovery was found, but in a more dispersed way than in the past. A very interesting potential for existing forests recovery was found for this area. Strategies for this include the development of sustainable practices, land use management, everything pursuing biodiversity preservation and the participation and leading of the local communities.