Many physically-based distributed models study the landslide occurrence using an infinite slope stability analysis, simulating a planar failure, which is not usually applicable to rotational failures and deep landslides. Recently, some three-dimensional distributed physically-based models have been developed that have been applied in different parts of the world. In this research, the Scoops3D model is implemented for a landslide susceptibility analysis in a tropical mountainous terrain of the Colombian Andes (Medellín, Colombia). In addition to identifying the areas susceptible to the occurrence of rotational landslides, the results of the safety factor are analyzed with the areas of associated critical failure surfaces to provide an interpretation and explanation of the simulation results. This is to have a better understanding of how the model works and to facilitate its implementation in landslide hazard assessment. The Scoops3D physicallybased model can be a very useful tool for mass movement risk management projects.