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ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words)The purpose of this study is to measure the influence of Turkey's water resources on energy production considering growing demand in the future. In our study, we will examine the water usage in electricity generation in different types of thermal power plants. The project will assess the available water resources in the future, the proportion of these resources that will be allocated to energy production and the increasing energy demand for specific years in the future. Additionally, we will compute number of thermal power plants and types, to meet future energy demand with building an optimization model. Also, the project will include analysis of optimization model results in terms of correlation between water and energy.
AN ANALYSIS OF EFFECT OF WATER RESOURCES CONSTRAINT ON ENERGY PRODUCTION IN TURKEY ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to measure the influence of Turkey's water resources on energy production considering growing demand in the future. In our study, we will examine the water usage in electricity generation in different types of thermal power plants. The project will assess the available water resources in the future, the proportion of these resources that will be allocated to energy production and the increasing energy demand for specific years in the future. Additionally, we will compute number of thermal power plants and types, to meet future energy demand with building an optimization model. Also, the project will include analysis of optimization model results in terms of correlation between water and energy.