-acid was negatively correlated among 112 female (r ϭ Ϫ0.78), and among 74 male hop genotypes (r ϭ Ϫ0.85).
Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) is a perennial, dioecious species inAdditive genetic variation was detected for yield, ␣and which the female inflorescence (cones) are harvested and used in the beer-brewing process to impart bittering and/or flavoring to beer.-acid content, cohumulone, and hop storage index for Hop breeders have typically utilized clonal selection and hybridization both males and females in a North Carolin Design I to develop new cultivars. The use of genetically diverse parents for analysis of 25 yr of USDA historical data (Henning et al., the purpose of capturing heterosis in the offspring has received little 1997a). They also reported negative genetic correlations attention from hop breeders. The objective of this research was to between ␣-acid and -acid content, and between -acid assign male (N ϭ 80) and female (N ϭ 26) hop genotypes into potential and hop storage index, and positive genetic correlations heterotic groups using AFLP-generated molecular markers. The six between cohumulone and yield, and cohumulone and AFLP primers used in this study amplified 550 total fragments, of which 490 (89.1%) were polymorphic. A genetic distance (GD) matrix hop storage index. Genetic variation in hop has also was computed from the binary data matrix, and groupings and sumbeen reported for essential oil concentration (Henning mary statistics were calculated from the GD matrix. Two major cluset al., 1997b) and mineral concentration (Keller and ters were observed, one composed primarily of European hops, while Likens, 1955). the second group was composed primarily of European-wild Ameri-Several molecular marker tools have been employed can hybrids. The two major clusters were further subdivided into 13 to assess genetic diversity in hop, including amplified smaller clusters (two female, nine male, two male and female) based fragment length polymorphsim (AFLP) (Hartl and Seeon a qualitative analysis. These results suggest potential parental combinations for hop researchers and breeders to study heterosis in hop.