2 Sea-level rise (SLR) poses a range of threats to natural and built environments 1,2 , making assessments of SLR-induced hazards essential for informed decision-making 3 . We develop a probabilistic model that evaluates the likelihood that an area will inundate (flood) or dynamically respond (adapt) to SLR. The broad-area applicability of the approach is demonstrated by producing 30x30 m resolution predictions for more than 38,000 km 2 of diverse coastal landscape in the northeastern United States (U.S.). Probabilistic SLR projections, coastal elevation, and vertical land movement are used to estimate likely future inundation levels. Then, conditioned on future inundation levels and the current land-cover type, we evaluate the likelihood of dynamic response vs. inundation. We find that nearly 70% of this coastal landscape has some capacity to respond dynamically to SLR, and we show that inundation models over-predict land likely to submerge.This approach is well-suited to guiding coastal resource management decisions that weigh future SLR impacts and uncertainty against ecological targets and economic constraints. As an alternative, we developed a data-driven coastal response (CR) model that considers both inundation and dynamic response using a range of SLR scenarios and datasets describing elevation and vertical land movement. We integrate these elements with land-cover information to assess CR likelihoods in the form of a dynamic probability, DP = 1-Prob. (inundate), using a Bayesian network Maine through Virginia, and includes a region with a wide range of coastal development, infrastructure, and environments found globally; including uplands, barrier beaches, spits, islands, mainland beaches, cliffs, rocky headlands, estuaries, and wetlands. The study area is defined by the -10 and +10 m elevation contours and mapped as a 30 m grid.To predict CR likelihoods (Figure 2), we first compute an adjusted land elevation with respect to projected sea levels:where AE represents the adjusted elevation with respect to a future sea level; E denotes the initial land elevation; SL is a projected sea level in the 2020s, 2030s, 2050s, or 2080s; and VLM gives the current rate of vertical land movement due to glacial isostatic adjustment, tectonics, and other non-climatic effects such as groundwater withdrawal and sediment compaction 15 . Sources of uncertainty in AE predictions include SLR projections, elevation data accuracy, vertical datum adjustments, and the interpolation of VLM rates from point data; these geospatially-explicit input uncertainties are propagated through the model to produce a probability mass function P(AE) for every grid cell (Figure 2c,d). Once generated, AEs are related through evaluation of their dynamic response potential with generalized landcover information and used to produce a CR likelihood (Figures 1, 2).Discretized AE predictions provide an estimated submergence level comparable to many existing inundation models 3, 16 (Figure 2). However, our predictions include several notable improvement...