Knowledge of intermolecular forces is a requisite for understanding material properties. These forces determine whether matter sticks together, gases condense to liquids, and liquids freeze to solids. The study of these forces in ionic liquids is particularly interesting. [1][2][3][4] Although the structure and properties of these fluid materials are determined to a large extent by the Coulomb forces, hydrogen bonding and dispersion forces can play a crucial role. The strong anion-cation interaction in these Coulomb fluids is reflected in their extremely low vapor pressures and high enthalpies of vaporization. [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] These properties, among others, make ionic liquids (ILs) attractive for science and technology.However, measuring intermolecular interactions in ionic liquids is still a challenge. In principle these interactions can be studied by experimental techniques that cover the frequency range of these interaction energies. Meanwhile there are numerous spectroscopic techniques available covering the frequency range of interest between 1 and 300 cm À1 , corresponding to 0.03 and 9 THz. The palette of spectroscopic methods includes optical heterodyne-detected Ramaninduced Kerr effect (RIKE), far-infrared (FIR), Raman, and THz spectroscopy as well as low-energy neutron scattering. [13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23] Although it has been shown that this spectral region may be extremely useful for studying intermolecular forces, we concede that the measured spectra are quite complicated and difficult to dissect. In particular the unequivocal assignment of the vibrational bands to intermolecular interactions is a challenge. Low-frequency absorption can arise from internal molecular vibrations, librational modes, and torsional modes such as alkyl group rotation. Usually, DFT and MD methods are required for the interpretation of the measured spectra. [24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31] In principle, these methods are suitable to indicate low-frequency intramolecular vibrational modes.However, a serious problem still remains. It is not clear to what extent DFT methods or force fields typically used in classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are able to describe intermolecular interactions accurately. [32] In principle ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulation is the method of choice for analyzing this frequency range, as shown by Heyden et al. for the case of liquid water. [33] However, for the relatively viscous ionic liquids the small system sizes and short simulation runs provide insufficient statistics and result in noisy and unspecific spectra in the far-infrared region. [34] But even if this frequency range is analyzed properly and the vibrational modes giving the intermolecular interaction between anion and cation can be assigned correctly, another problem persists. It is unclear to what extent frequency positions and frequency shifts of intermolecular vibrational bands can be fully referred to changing force constants indicating stronger or weaker interaction between the a...