REVIEWThis journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 1 In this Review, we discuss the state-of-the-art understanding of non-precious transition metal oxides that catalyze the oxygen reduction and evolution reactions. Understanding and mastering the kinetics of oxygen electrocatalysis is instrumental to making use of photosynthesis, advancing solar fuels, fuel cells, electrolyzers, and metal-air batteries. We first present key insights, assumptions and limitations of well-known activity descriptors and reaction mechanisms in the past four decades. The turnover frequency of crystalline oxides as promising catalysts is also put into perspective with amorphous oxides and photosystem II. Particular attention is paid to electronic structure parameters that can potentially govern the adsorbate binding strength and thus provide simple rationales and design principles to predict new catalyst chemistries with enhanced activity. We share new perspective synthesizing mechanism and electronic descriptors developed from both molecular orbital and solid state band structure principles. We conclude with an outlook on the opportunities in future research within this rapidly developing field.
Broader ContextThe formation of chemical bonds is an energy dense mode of storing energy. In both nature and technology, the electrochemical generation and consumption of fuels is one of the most efficient routes for energy usage. Solar and electrical energy can be stored in chemical bonds by splitting water or metal oxides to produce hydrogen and metal. These compounds can then be oxidized to produce energy when coupled to the reduction of oxygen. However, these device efficiencies are severely limited by the catalysis of oxygen electrochemical processes -namely the oxygen reduction reaction and oxygen evolution reaction, which have slow kinetics. Non-precious transition metal oxides show promise as cost-effective substitutes for noble metals in commercially viable renewable energy storage and conversion devices. Furthermore, this class of materials has ben efitted from a wealth of spectroscopic and first-principles studies in the past few decades, providing the frameworks and theories needed to understand the electronic structure and design optimal catalysts. The incredibly diverse range of chemistries and physical properties that can be explored in oxide families afford numerous degrees of freedom for conducting systematic investigations relating intrinsic mat erial properties to catalytic performance. Here, we present background on the fundamental concepts in catalysis for the rational design of transition metal perovskite oxide catalysts for oxygen electrocatalysis and critically examine the current understanding a nd its impact on future directions of perovskite catalysts.