“…Of note, while verbal fluency is often considered a component of executive functioning because it can be associated with frontal lobe lesions (e.g., Miceli, Caltagirone, Gainotti, Masullo, & Silveri, 1981; Stuss et al, 1998), an a priori decision was made to separate this from other executive functioning measures based on clinical observations that word-finding deficits are one of the most common complaints reported in the cancer treatment centers where this study occurred. Finally, in line with neuropsychological theory and research (e.g., Griffin, Mindt, Rankin, Ritchie, & Scott, 2002; Kareken, Gur, & Saykin, 1995; Lezak, 1995), the Wide Range Achievement Test-3 (WRAT-3) Reading subtest (Wilkinson, 1993) was included as an estimate of overall premorbid functioning. In general, this battery was designed to evaluate a broad range of cognitive domains, and the specific selection of tests was based on neuropsychological batteries used in prior research with cancer patients (e.g., Ahles et al, 2002; Meyers et al, 1995; van Dam et al, 1998;).…”