“…Using nomenclature compatible with previous ATOMIC papers, 34 , 37 , 38 we may formally define geometry-related error as the energy penalty arising from using an approximate equilibrium (“e”) geometry G̃ e k that was optimized for molecule M with a method labeled k
and then introduce a series of approximations to illustrate our approach; first, the replacement of the exact energy E exact by that of a suitably chosen composite model m (here: B 5 ), second, the replacement of the exact equilibrium geometry G e exact [ M ] by that optimized with composite model m , and finally, the approximation of the latter by the best available approximate equilibrium geometry G̃ e k opt [ M ], i.e., the one optimized with the particular method k = k opt that minimizes E { m } [ M ; G̃ e k [ M ]]
In Section 6.2 , we shall analyze errors for the finally selected geometry optimization method (index k henceforth dropped) and calibrate a model to estimate a bias correction C A,e geo [ M ] that annihilates the error Δ E A,e geo [ M ] in atomization energy on average (note that Δ E A,e geo [ M ] = −Δ E e geo [ M ]), as well as a corresponding uncertainty u A,e geo [ M ] for molecule M such that
is fulfilled with high confidence (95% or better for a balanced test set M ∈ { M 1 , M 2 ,...}).…”