Abstract. Drainage divides are organized into tree-like networks that may record
information about drainage divide mobility. However, views diverge about how
to best assess divide mobility. Here, we apply a new approach of
automatically extracting and ordering drainage divide networks from digital
elevation models to results from landscape evolution model experiments. We
compared landscapes perturbed by strike-slip faulting and spatiotemporal
variations in erodibility to a reference model to assess which topographic
metrics (hillslope relief, flow distance, and χ) are diagnostic of
divide mobility. Results show that divide segments that are a minimum
distance of ∼5 km from river confluences strive to attain
constant values of hillslope relief and flow distance to the nearest
stream. Disruptions of such patterns can be related to mobile divides that
are lower than stable divides, closer to streams, and often asymmetric in
shape. In general, we observe that drainage divides high up in the network,
i.e., at great distances from river confluences, are more susceptible to
disruptions than divides closer to these confluences and are thus more
likely to record disturbance for a longer time period. We found that
across-divide differences in hillslope relief proved more useful for
assessing divide migration than other tested metrics. However, even stable
drainage divide networks exhibit across-divide differences in any of the
studied topographic metrics. Finally, we propose a new metric to quantify
the connectivity of divide junctions.