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AbstractAudiovisual services such as music and movies in digital formats have gained substantial importance over the last decade. This paper analyses audiovisual services in a gravity model framework. In particular, we explore the role of virtual proximity -a new proxy for cultural proximity based on bilateral hyperlinks and bilateral website visits between countries -and find that 'virtually-proximate' countries trade significantly larger amounts of audiovisual services. Our results show that virtual proximity also has a larger impact on trade in audiovisual services than on total services trade. Moreover, in line with Hanson and Xiang (2011), our analysis indicates that in the audiovisual services sector, global fixed export costs dominate bilateral fixed export costs for most countries in our sample.Keywords: International trade; audiovisual services; cultural proximity; hyperlinks; internet JEL Classification: F12, F15, Z10.ECB Working Paper 1826, July 2015 1
Non-technical summaryUp to the early 2000s, cultural products were largely traded in the form of goods, but due to technological advancements over the last decade, they increasingly appear in the services sector. Accordingly, the role of audiovisual services -as reflected by ever increasing digital music and movie sales -has grown substantially over the past decade. Moreover, audiovisual services are contentiously discussed in international trade negotiations, since music, movies and television shows play a key role in transmitting culture and values across the globe. Hence, international trade in audiovisual services and its determinants has been of high interest for both economic researchers and policy-makers.This paper analyses the determinants of audiovisual services trade in a gravity model framework. In particular, we explore the role of virtual proximity -a new proxy for cultural proximity based on bilateral hyperlinks on webpages and bilateral website visits between countries. The idea is to reflect, for instance, how often British or French internet users set links to or visit websites from the United States. The underlying assumption is that cultural proximity of two countries increases with the interest shown in each others' web content.We consider the audiovis...