The status of J stock minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) was assessed using potential biological removal (PBR) and mortality data. Using the estimated abundance of minke whales in this area (6260; CV 0 0.212), the minimum population estimate of the stock was estimated as 5247. The PBR for J stock minke whales was calculated as 52.5 individuals using the minimum population estimate (5247), one-half of the maximum theoretical net productivity rate (0.02) and the recovery factor (0.5). The estimated mean annual level of anthropogenic mortality was 270.4 individuals. Thus, the status of this stock was considered as strategic. However, fortunately, the abundance of this population in the East Sea from 2000 to 2008 showed an increasing trend (rate of increase 0.0488; annual rate of increase 5.0%) although it is not statistically significant (P!0.05). The primary sources of anthropogenic mortality were bycatch (set nets, pots and gill nets) and illegal catch. Because of the status of this population, it is urgently necessary to reduce the amount of bycatch and illegal catch of minke whales. Further study needs to use population health and viability analysis for investigating the long-term survival of this population more clearly.