Most classical non-polarizable ion potential models underestimate the solubility values of NaCl and KCl in water significantly. We determine Lennard-Jones (LJ) parameters of Na + , K + , and Clthat reproduce the solubility as well as the hydration free energy in dilute aqueous solutions for three water potential models, SPC/E, TIP3P, and TIP4P/2005. The ion-oxygen distance in the solution and the cation-anion distance in salt are also considered in the parametrization. In addition to the target properties, the hydration enthalpy, hydration entropy, self-diffusion coefficient, coordination number, lattice energy, enthalpy of solution, density, viscosity, and number of contact ion pairs are calculated for comparison with 17 frequently used or recently developed ion potential models. The overall performance of each ion model is represented by a global score using a scheme that was originally developed for comparison of water potential models. The global score is better for our models than for the other 17 models not only because of the quite good prediction for the solubility but also because of the relatively small deviation from the experimental value for many of the other properties.