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Non-technical summaryTrade dynamics are important determinants of output growth and inflationary pressures coming from import prices and policy institutions as well as the private sector need to forecast trade developments conditional on macroeconomic scenarios. Two main approaches have been used for forecasting trade: large structural macro models and time series models, to which our work belongs. We propose a dynamic factor model and show that exploiting the co-movement between macroeconomic and trade variables is essential for obtaining accurate short-term forecast of trade quantities and prices. We use this model to predic developments of trade variables given scenarios for macroeconomic variables and to quantify the effect on euro area trade of changed macroeconomic conditions in euro area trading partners. Our factor model is estimated with the methodology of Ban´bura and Modugno (2014), who propose maximum likelihood estimation based on a modification of the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm that allows to exploit datasets characterized by arbitrary patterns of missing data. This approach also makes it straightforward to introduce restrictions on the parameters and we use this to identify the nature of the unobserved factors. We evaluate the model in a pseudo short-term out-of-sample simulation from January 2006 to April 2013 on a panel of trade and macroeconomic data and we find that it delivers accurate forecasts because it can fully exploit the co-movement in the panel and the earlier releases of the macroeconomic variables. Indeed, including real macroeconomic variables, confidence indicators and prices improves the forecast accuracy over a model that exploits only trade information. We also find, in contrast to Burgert and D´ees (2009), but in line with Marcellino, Stock, and Watson (2003) for other euro area macroeconomic variables, that the "bottom-up" forecast approach for euro area exports and imports delivers forecasts as good as those obtained with a "direct" approach. This result is important, because it allows us to disentangle the contribution to the extra euro-area forecast from different world regions, adding value to the interpretation of conjunctural trade developments as well as to scenario analysis. We also run a natural experiment and generate the dynamics of trade variables during the great recession conditional on the realized path of macroeconomic variables. We find that the model tracks tra...