“…After the establishment of the village in 1975 (Kumburu 2002) in a region of more or less continuous Acacia woodland, a large proportion of the woodland has been cleared for agriculture (Krog et al 2005), mostly maize fields and pasture. The remains of the former woodland are now patches of bushland with a canopy cover of 40% or more, consisting of 3-7 m high woody plants (Beentje 1994), predominantly Dyschoriste sp., Dichrostachys cinerea, Indigofera swaziensis, Acacia pentagona, Hoslundia opposita, Acacia senegal, Acacia nilotica, Munduleae sericea, Lannea humilis and Acacia tortilis (Hansen and Theilade 2005). According to the local people, large wild herbivores including elephant, giraffe and rhino used to be abundant until the 1970's, but today none remain, and small herds of cattle, sheep and goats graze in the bushlands (Gervin 2003).…”