free energies are fundamental to surface chemistry and
catalysis. Standard models combine some assumed analytical form of
the translational potential energy surface, often parametrized against
density functional theory (DFT) calculations, with an analytical expression
for the resultant translational densities of states (DOS), free energy,
and entropy. Here we compare the performance of such models against
numerical evaluations of the DOS and thermodynamic functions derived
from solutions to the translational Schrödinger equation. We
compare results for a translational potential energy surface (PES)
derived from nudged eleastic band calculations with those obtained
from adsorbate rastering across a series of monatomic (O, S, C, N,
and H) and polyatomic (NH
) adsorbates
on (100) Pt and Au facets. We find that analytical models as commonly
parametrized have mixed performance for describing the translational
PES and that the consequences for computed free energies are modest
but potentially significant in microkinetic models. Numerical solutions
are possible for modest to no additional computational cost over analytical
models and thus should be considered when reliable free energy estimates
are needed or translational potential energy surfaces are available.