In Japan, computer simulation is used to evaluate the characteristic of performance of the current collection between overhead lines and a pantograph. Characteristics of contact wire uplift and strain are important indices to evaluate contact line structure in a high-speed railway. Especially in the case when a train runs into a tunnel at high speed, pantographs are strongly affected by aerodynamic flow. Therefore, it is important to investigate these characteristics within a tunnel. In this study, we carried out measurement of contact wire uplift and strain in the neighborhood of the tunnel inlet. Furthermore, we carried out a simulation and estimated them with consideration of the pantograph lift. By comparing the measurement result and simulation estimation, we examined the validity of simulation. In this way, it is possible to improve the accuracy of prediction of current collection performance of contact line by computer simulation. Keywords: current collection, the aerodynamic upward force of a pantograph, wind velocity, contact wire uplift, contact wire strain.