Current food assistance programs are not designed to reduce a family's specific nutrient deficiencies. Consequently, the diets of families on food assistance are often no belter than the diets of low‐income families not on food assistance. This paper proposes a method for reducing dietary deficiencies for low‐income families that combines information about nutritious economical diets with food assistance. Under the proposed method a diet or diet supplement is computed for a family by minimizing food expenditure subject to pre‐established dietary constraints. Food assistance is then used to help the family achieve the formulated diet or diet supplement.
Les programmes qui distribuent des produits comestibles aux classes pauvres ne sont pas faites pour diminuer les déficiences nutritives des families. Par consequent, les regimes des families qui regoivent l'aide de ces programmes souvent ne sont pas mieux que les regimes des families qui ne reçoivent pas d'aide. Ce bulletin propose un moyen de diminuer ces déficiences nutritives des classes pauvres eh donnant des renseignements à ce sujet. Un régime complet ou supplémentaire est mis sur pied ou analysé pour ces families. II s'agit de minimiser les depenses alimentaires des regimes. Ces programmes sont utilisées pour aider la famille á completer le regime formule ou le regime supplementaire.
This paper proposes and analyzes a method for reducing nutrient deficiencies in family diets that combines nutritious economical diets and food assistance. A diet choice model is developed to explain how families select the foods in their diet. This model is transformed to a more empirically useful form in which food expenditure is minimized subject to dietary constraints. The reformulated model permits the computation of minimum‐cost diets and minimum‐cost diet supplements. Various types of food assistance can be used with the minimum‐cost diet or diet supplements to help low‐income families achieve a more nutritious and satisfying diet. A food program based on this method is likely to yield higher benefits (in terms of dietary improvements) to participating families but somewhat higher costs. In order to more accurately determine benefits and costs, it is suggested that the program be administered on an experimental basis and the benefits and costs closely monitored.