A control valve plays a very significant role in the stable and efficient working of a control loop for any process. In a fluid flow process, the probability of failure of a control valve may increase for many reasons pertaining to a flow process such as high pressures at the inlet, different properties of the liquid flowing through the pipe, mechanical issue related to a control valve, ageing, etc. A method to detect faults in the valve can lead to better stability of the control loop. In the proposed work, a technique is developed to determine the fault in a pneumatic control valve by analyzing the vibration data at the outlet of the valve. The fault diagnosis of the valve is carried out by analyzing the change in vibration of the pipe due to the change in flow pattern induced by the control valve. The faults being considered are inflow and insufficient supply pressure faults. Vibration data obtained is processed using a signal processing technique like amplification, Fourier transform, etc. The support vector machine (SVM) algorithm is used to classify the vibration data into two classes, one normal and the other faulty. The designed algorithm is trained to identify faults and subjected to test with a practical setup; test results show an accuracy of 97%.