Background: Aloe vera (AV) contains a variety of characteristic antibiotic and anti-inflammatory components that have potential advantages for periodontal disease therapy. Diagnostic and prognostic markers of periodontal disease through the activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in gingival crevicular fluid. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of giving AV gel on alkaline phosphatase levels in rats with bacteria-induced periodontitis Method: Thirty-six male Sprague dawley were healthy and active, weighing 170-200 grams, aged 2 months were distinguished into two groups: the control group of periodontitis given therapy Gel Metronidazole plus 25% and AV gel 99.03% as a treatment group. Aloe vera gel is administered topically in gingival sulcus at a dose of 300 mg/kg of rat weight. Samples were taken from gingival sulcus liquid on days 1, 2 and 3 using periopaper paper. Alkaline phosphatase levels are measured using a UV/Vis Spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 405 nm. Variant analysis is used to compare ALP levels in different groups Result: There was significant difference in alkaline phosphatase levels between the control group and the treatment group (p>0.05). In Sprague dawley rats with periodontitis, there was a significant decrease in ALP levels on days 1, 2 and 3 given Metronidazole gel plus 25% therapy and AV gel 99.03%. But the treatment group showed lower ALP levels than the control group Conclusion: This study revealed that the use of AV gel locally has an effect and can be as an adjunct therapy for periodontitis
PENDAHULUANPeriodontitis merupakan salah satu masalah utama kesehatan mulut yang mempengaruhi kesehatan tubuh secara keseluruhan dengan prevalensi kasus 70% dari jumlah populasi global. 1 Penyakit inflamasi ini disebabkan oleh biofilm bakteri yang merusak jaringan penyangga gigi (ligamen periodontal, gingiva dan tulang alveolar) atau sering disebut jaringan periodonsium. 2 Aktivitas inflamasi yang terjadi di jaringan periodonsium dapat ditentukan melalui kadar alkaline phosphatase (ALP) dalam cairan sulkus gingiva (GCF). 3 Alkaline phosphatase adalah salah satu marker diagnostik pertama yang diidentifikasi dalam GCF dengan kadar lebih tinggi daripada di serum. 4 Alkaline Phosphatase tersimpan dalam granul spesifik dan vesikula sekretori neutrofil yang akan sekresikan dan bermigrasi ke daerah inflamasi. Analisis ALP pada cairan sulkus gingiva merupakan pendekatan yang paling praktis untuk analisis biokimia dari respon host pada penyakit periodontal. 5 Kadar ALP dapat diukur pada 0 jam sampai 14 hari dengan puncak kadar ALP pada hari ke 14 sebesar 56.75±11.50 IU/L. 4 Kenaikan kadar Alkaline Phosphatase secara signifikan pada cairan