In the Konya region, snap bean requires frequent irrigation due to high evaporation and low precipitation during the growing season. However the drought in recent years at Turkey, especially in Konya plain has been one of the most important abiotic stress factor affecting the snap bean production. Several ways to reduce yield losses are deficit irrigation practices, to improve and disseminate the varieties that are tolerant to water stress.In this research, the response of two green bean varieties one of which was improved by Prof. Dr. Önder Türkmen, Horticulture Department of Agriculture Faculty of Selcuk University (S3) and a commercial variety existing in Turkey market (Nazende) to different irrigation water levels under drip irrigation has been investigated. The irrigation treatments included five irrigation water level according the amount of water evaporated from Class-A Pan within 7 days period and based on 5 different crop pan coefficients (kcp1= 1.25; kcp2= 1.00, kcp3= 0.75, kcp4= 0.50 ve kcp5= 0.00) .According to the results, it was found that there were significant differences in yield, pod length, pod width, pod thickness and seed per pod among irrigation levels. No significant differences were observed in yield, pod thickness among varieties. The seasonal water use of the snap bean were ranged from 177 mm to 635 mm for Nazende, 181 mm to 655 for S3. The highest yield was obtained in kcp2 treatment with 3762 kg ha-1 for S3 and kcp1 treatment with 3525.0 kg ha -1 for Nazende. It was not observed significant differences in yield between kcp1, kcp2, kcp3 treatment for both genotypes. Linear relations were found between yield and seasonal water use. The yield response factors (ky) were found 1.24 for both varieties. No differences were observed for pod colour values (L, a, b) among irrigation levels.