Introduction: Prediction of stature from different dimensions has considerable forensic value, not only for the identification of human remains but also in developing descriptions of suspects from evidence at scene of crime and in corroborating height estimates from witnesses.
Aims and objectives:The present study deal with stature estimation from toe lengths and toe-length ratios among Nigerians.
Methods:A total of 1574 adult Nigerians consisting of Hausas, Igbos, and Yorubas of equal sex were used in the study. Standard anthropometric methods were used to measure height (stature) and toe lengths (from big toe, 1T to the small toe, 5T for both right [R] and left [L] feet). Ten different toe-length ratios were also calculated. Data were analysed using SPSS version 23 (IBM ® Armonk, New York, USA) and Minitab V17 (Minitab ® Inc. State College, Pennsylvania) statistical software. Correlation regression model was used to estimate stature. Confidence level was set at 95%; as p-values ≤ 0.05 were considered significant.
Results:The univariate regression analysis showed that the toe lengths were significantly positively correlated and estimates stature (P<0.01), with L.1T had the highest predictive accuracy (R-sq=35.30) and R.5T had the least (R-sq=4.53). The Igbos had the best prediction for stature of the three ethnic groups while the females had the better prediction for stature compared to the males. Toe-length ratios, R2T:5T, R3T:5T, R4T:5T, L2T:5T and L3T:5T of males and R2T:4T, R2T:5T, R3T:5T, L2T:4T, L2T:5T, L3T:4T and L3T:5T of females of the Nigerians significantly correlated positively with stature (P<0.05). While R1T:2T, R1T:3T, R1T:4T, L1T:2T and L1T:3T of males and R1T:2T, R1T:3T, L1T:2T and L1T:3T for females showed significant negative correlation with stature for the general population (P<0.05). However, toe-length ratios prediction accuracy for stature was low (R-sq<2.21). Other ratios did not significantly predicted stature (P>0.05); therefore, there was no regression equation for such variables.
Conclusion:This study estimated stature from toe length and toe-length ratios with the better prediction from the toe lengths. It was sex and ethnic specific therefore its usage in forensic investigation must be specific and peculiar to sex and ethnicity.